At the moment latest iOS version is 7.1.1 and previous was 7.1 version. A little while a go there were difficulties on that iOS version’s jailbreak. However, the Geeksn0w is removed those difficulties. Geeksn0w is the most suitable jailbreak tool for 7.1 and 7.1.1 versions, but in Geeksn0w there are some limitations. Still Geeksn0w supports…
Month: April 2014
Pwnage tool 5.1.1 for iPad1
In the Jailbreak tool’s family, the Pwnage tool is the world first jailbreaking tool, and it was available since iOS 1 firmware. The iPhone Dev team is the creator of Pwnage tool. With Pwnage tool, you are allowed to jailbreak all the Devices include iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad and Apple TV2G. When you’re going to use Pwnage…
Jailbreak iPad1with Greenpois0n RC5
Now you can easily jailbreak your iPad1 with Greenpois0n as iOS 4.2.1 version. With the latest version of Greenpois0n RC5 , you are allowed to jailbreak as 4.2.1 untethered. The Chronic Dev Team is the developer of the Greenpois0n and with Greenpois0n RC5 you can take supports most of the iDevices include,iPhone4/iPhone3GS/iPhone3G/iPodTouch4G/iPodTouch3G and iPad1. So…
jailbreak iPad1 with JailbreakMe 3.0
JailbreakMe is the easiest jailbreak tool among the whole jailbreak tool’s community. Most of the jailbreak tools need a PC for a perform jailbreak process. However, if you use JailbreakME tool for your jailbreak process, you can perform your Device with without PC, and even you can be a jailbreak your Device from anywhere. It only…
jailbreak iPad1 using Redsn0w 0.9.12b1
The iPhone Dev Team has released, new version of Redsn0w jailbreak tool, and now it is on 0.9.12b1 version with added support of untethered 5.1.1 jailbreak. So with Redsn0w 0.9.12b1 version only works with A4 Devices and below A4 Devices. Here are the full Devices lists for Redsn0w 0.9.12b1 untethered 5.1.1 jailbreak. iPhone4/4S/iPhone3GS iPod Touch4G/iPod…
untethered jailbreak Absinthe 2.0.4 iPad1
The iOS 5.1.1 now can be a jailbreak as untethered with Absinthe 2.0.4 version. Absinthe jailbreak tool released by Chronic Dev Team. So Absinthe 2.0 is familiar with all Devices except Apple TV3 and Absinthe are supports both Windows and Mac operating system. Supports Devices for Absinthe 2.0 untethered jailbreak. iPhone models iPhone 3Gs /iPhone…