To iOS 13.7,,, iPhone owners can use COVID-19 contact tracing to obtain visibility warnings if they’re close to someone with the symptoms of coronavirus. Follow with iDB as we show you how to activate COVID-19 contact tracing on iPhone to receive notifications about exposure. covid-19 tracing contact – About The release of iOS 13.5 in…
Month: September 2020
Google Maps On iPad and iPhone Use List
You can hold on to your favorite spots in Google Maps like saving locations that you enjoy in Apple Maps too. And with the List feature, you can use pre-made lists, create your own, share them with friends, publish them for other users of Google Maps and more We’ll show you how to use Google…
iOS 13.5 Jailbreak Tweaks ForTop 30
Thanks to unc0ver and other jailbreaks that operate with iOS 13.5 Jailbreaking was picking up momentum again. Earlier in the year, this fresh breath of life was breathed into the jail-breaking scene that got Harris Craycraft, iDB ‘s resident videographer, hooked to jail-breaking. Actually, we thought it wise to ask Harris to build a hands-on…
During the coronavirus pandemic, the iOS app economy generated 300,000 new jobs in the US
Apple published a fresh set of numbers this morning that highlights the importance of its App Store in the overall US economy, just as the app bazaar is increasingly under siege from disgruntled developers, competitors and regulators around the world Here are the most interesting numbers from a press release from Apple: Since April 2019…
Get desktop style banner notifications – jailbroken iPad with iustum
Only last week we showed you a new jailbreak tweak called Destra which gave the iPad and iPhone a macOS-inspired banner notification experiencePart form minor changes to the banner notification aesthetics, maybe one of the other eye-catching aspects about the tweak was that it made banner notifications on the iPad feel more desktop-like by moving…
Restart your iPhone or iPad!
There are also occasions when your iPhone or iPad needs a quick reset. You may encounter a black or frozen screen, or simply a lack of response from it. And while a resumption of force can solve these types of problems, it will only work if you know how to do it. With so many…
Comet-iOS 14
inspried widgets on iOS 13 Each day, turn up each. Comet launches the iOS 13 operating system with 14-inspired widgets. Here’s how this modification can be made on your iPhone and iPad. Apple’s new mobile operating system-iOS 14-allows you to add widgets to your home screen. This feature doesn’t work on devices running iOS 13….