iPad Air 2 is the new-born Device in Apple family and still a couple of days’ old with in short period iPad Air 2 taken biggest step in whole Pad Device generation. iPad Air 2 is the slender Device in Apple family. It has only 6.1 mm thickness, and weight is less than one pound. So with those conveniences iPad Air 2 is easy to handle.
When compare with first iPad Device these features are peerless. In first iPad Device 13.4 mm thickness and 1.5 weight. So can you guess the difference between them? And besides these features, iPad Air 2 has a built-up display. In previous, all iPad Devices displays had three different components. However, in iPad Air 2 Devices. All came together. So with this built-up display color and contrasts are improved for your sharp vision.
Besides these features, there are a huge number of hidden features. Here are the briefs of hidden features.
iPad Air 2 is armed with iOS 8 version.
A8X processor / M8 motion coprocessor / 64-bit architecture
2048 x 1536 resolution
3.1 million Pixels
10 hour plus battery life
New iSight camera
Actually, those are the default features of the iPad Air 2 and with this features Device cannot customize. For the Device customize main requirement is Cydia. So in near future iPad Air 2 will be allowed to jailbreak with a proper jailbreak tool.